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LFHW Canada

Love Food Hate Waste is here to help us all make the most of the food we love.

LFHW Canada is modelled on the LFHW campaign in the UK – a proven behaviour change campaign that, in its first five years, helped cut avoidable food waste by 21 percent, saving UK consumers £13 billion.

Food waste is an urgent, but solvable, global challenge. One third of all food produced globally is wasted.

This is where Love Food Hate Waste Canada comes in – by working with businesses, governments and community groups across Canada, we hope to inspire and empower people to make their food go further and waste less.

Initially launched in Canada in 2018 by the National Zero Waste Council, Love Food Hate Waste Canada has reached over 20 million Canadians throughout the years with practical and easy tips to prevent food waste. To learn about the early successes, read the report: Making Every Bite Count – Our First Three Years.

In January 2025, FoodMesh took over the management of the campaign, and is now the driving force behind Love Food Hate Waste Canada. 

Find out more about why food waste matters, and the organizations working with us to address household food waste in Canada.