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Avoid letting food hide and go bad in your fridge. Maintain food type zones so you can always find what you’re looking for and know what food and leftovers are available. Four instance, leftover vegetables or starches, they are always

Whenever sausages go on sale or they get discounted near their best before date I buy as much as I can. Then I plot them up in Ziploc bags and freeze them. They are great in stews ,soups,pasta sauces,or on

Never waste bananas. Lightly mash bananas add 2 tsp instant coffee Or preference amount. Mix. Portion out in individual dessert cups Freeze. Take out slightly prior to serving. Healthy and delicious Great summer treat

When I am cutting vegetables, trimming ends off onions, celery or carrots, I toss them into a ziplock freezer bag that I keep in the freezer. Along to that I add bones from chicken. Once full, I turn everything into

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