What is the best storage for apricots? Can you freeze apricots? How long do apricots last in the fridge? We have answers to all of these food-saving questions and storage tips:

Best Storage
The fridge is the best place to store apricots.
They ripen very quickly if stored on the countertop.
Can I Freeze It?
Cut apricots in half or into slices and freeze on a tray before transferring the frozen pieces into a reusable freezer bag. You can also stew stone fruits to make a pie filling and freeze the filling.
If you want to remove the skin from apricots before freezing them, blanch the fruit briefly in boiling water and cool it immediately in a cold water bath. The skins should rub off easily.
Fresher For Longer
The texture, colour and juiciness of apricots improve as the fruit matures. When the fruit is soft, it is ready to eat. Store ripe apricots in the fridge to extend its shelf life for a couple more days.
Use It Up
Add slices of apricot to a salad of bitter greens, salty cheese and pungent olives.
Did You Know?
Because apricots are quite fragile and will spoil quickly if bruised, they should be handled carefully.