Best Storage
A dry, cool, dark pantry is the best place to store eggplant.
For freshness and quality, always store your eggplant away from sunlight, in a cool dry area. Place it away from high ethylene-producing vegetables and fruits like apples, avocados or tomatoes as they will increase the speed of spoilage for the eggplant.
Can I Freeze It?
Slice and grill eggplant before freezing to prevent it from going mushy. Cooked eggplant can also be frozen.
Fresher For Longer
Try to cut eggplant just before cooking to keep it fresh.
Use It Up
If roasting an eggplant whole, prick it with a fork before cooking or it will explode!
Did You Know?
Eggplant contains a lot of water. Sprinkle the slices with salt and let them sit for 20 minutes to release the water. Blot the slices dry before dipping them in flour or batter and then roasting or frying them.