What is the best storage for plums? Can you freeze plums? How long do plums last in the fridge? We have answers to all of these food-saving questions and storage tips:

Best Storage
The fridge is the best place to store plums.
They ripen very quickly if stored on the countertop.
Can I Freeze It?
Cut plums in half or into slices and freeze on a tray before transferring the frozen pieces into a reusable freezer bag. You can also stew them with some fruit juice to make a pie filling and freeze that.
A quick way to remove the skin from plums before freezing is to blanch the fruit briefly in boiling water and immediately cool it in a cold water bath. The skins should rub off easily.
Fresher For Longer
Store plums at room temperature to ripen, checking them frequently as they are extremely perishable. A ripe fruit will yield when pressed gently. Once ripe, store the plums in the fridge to extend their shelf life for a couple more days.
Use It Up
Add slices of plum to a salad of bitter greens, salty cheese and pungent olives.
Did You Know?
Plums, once canned, can last for a long time. They can be used as toppings or as pie fillings.
You can prevent plums from darkening by dipping them in a 1:4 solution of lemon juice and water (i.e., one tablespoon of lemon juice in four tablespoons (or ¼ cup) of water).