Food Waste Action Week 2025
Food Waste Action Week takes place this year from March 17th – 23rd with the theme: Plan for what you buy.
Last year, in our Save More, Waste Less food waste prevention challenge, 57% of participants reported that the main reason for food waste in their home was due to a change in plans throughout the week or buying groceries without a plan.
By helping Canadians plan for what they buy and choose what is right for them, we can not only help them prevent food waste but also save money.

Help us spread the message
Our Plan for what you buy Food Waste Action Week 2025 communications toolkit is now available to download.
The toolkit provides everything you need to get involved – campaign info, key message and links to campaign assets to help engage your audiences across your social channels.
Please note all assets are under strict embargo until March 17, 2025.
Between March 17th – 23rd, we invite you to help spread the Plan for what you buy message on your channels. Don’t forget to tag us in your posts!