Best Storage
The fridge is the best place to store parsnips.
Store unwashed parsnips loosely wrapped in the high-humidity drawer in the fridge.
Separate green tops from the root, leaving just 2.5 cm of stem (otherwise the greens will draw moisture away from the parsnip).
Can I Freeze It?
Both cooked and uncooked parsnips can be frozen. Blanch them in boiling water for a few minutes, cool in ice water and drain before freezing. Or roast them up in the oven and freeze once they’ve cooled down.
Fresher For Longer
Bendy parsnips? Chop off a small slice from each end and place in an ice water bath. They’ll soon perk up.
Use It Up
Just as you can use carrots or zucchini in your baking, you can add parsnips in cakes!
If your parsnips are looking a little limp, they’ll still be delicious roasted. Toss them in the oven with a drizzle of oil and a dash of salt and pepper.
Did You Know?
Did you know you can dehydrate parsnip peels to make crispy-crunchy veggie chips?