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Best Ways To Store And Use Sweet Potatoes

Best Storage

The pantry is the best place to store sweet potatoes.

Store in a cool, dry, dark place, ideally in a cloth bag.

Can I Freeze It?


To freeze, wash, peel and boil sweet potatoes until tender, then slice or mash and sprinkle with lemon juice to stop them from going brown. Cool, put into a container or freezer bag and freeze.

Fresher For Longer

To store leftover cooked sweet potatoes, cool them as quickly as possible, ideally within one or two hours, and then store in the fridge for up to two days. If a section of the sweet potato goes bad, the entire potato should be composted.

Use It Up

Use a potato peeler rather than a knife as this will cut down on waste. There’s also no need to peel – you can boil, roast or mash sweet potatoes with the skins on!

Did You Know?

Sweet potato fries are a great alternative to potato fries.

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Substitute potatoes with sweet potato, short pasta or 1/2 cup (125 mL) long grain rice.