Best Storage
The fridge is the best place to store fully ripe tomatoes. If they’re not fully ripe keep them on the counter for a few days, then transfer them to the fridge.
Can I Freeze It?
Wash and pat dry. Keep whole or cut into pieces. Freeze in single layer then transfer to airtight bag or container. Use in sauces, soups, curries, casseroles etc.
Fresher For Longer
To ripen green tomatoes, put them in a paper bag with a piece of ripe fruit.
Cover and keep cut tomatoes in the fridge.
Slow roast tomatoes that are going past their best. Once cool, freeze and use on focaccia, pizza or pasta.
Use It Up
Try your frozen tomatoes in place of tinned tomatoes the next time you’re making spaghetti Bolognese or chili.
Bruised or overripe? Try them in a sauce, vinaigrette, savoury tomato jam, soup, salsa or frittata.
Did You Know?
Tomatoes are one of the most commonly wasted foods in Canada.
Bring out the full flavour of tomatoes by letting them rest at room temperature for 30 minutes before eating.